Comprehensive Security Cluster

Comprehensive security cluster brings stability, networks and innovations to strengthen the regional vitality of Eastern Finland.

The aim of the comprehensive security cluster work is to ensure that Eastern Finland and its regions remain viable and capable of renewal in all circumstances. Vitality grows from close and innovative cooperation between individuals, companies, research and educational institutions, organisations and the public sector.

The comprehensive security cluster will form a permanent basis for cross-regional cooperation that brings together different actors. The partnership model invites you to share expertise and jointly develop innovative solutions that promote comprehensive security – in a sustainable way that increases competitiveness. 

The expertise and strengths of different regions complement each other and enhance the vitality and security of Eastern Finland both in the short and long term. A strong business-oriented approach to our operations and linking comprehensive security work to the green transition and climate work are particularly important.

The North Savo Comprehensive Security Cluster is a project funded by the European Union's Structural Funds Programme for 2023–2026. Its aim is to consolidate the cluster's activities in a way that best serves the individual regions and the Eastern Finland as a whole. 

Harriet Lonka, Project Lead, PhD
Comprehensive Security Cluster
tel. +358 400 755 475,


Harriet Lonka |Hankepäällikkö, Kokonaisturvallisuuden klusteri Pohjois-Savossa
Sari Murtonen |Hankeassistentti, Kokonaisuusturvallisuuden klusteri Pohjois-Savossa